The Last Message

Are you sure you want to know the truth ? Be warned… The Last Message might plunge you to the depths of anguish and insanity…

The island of Iona, west of Scotland.
Great stretches of brown grass interspersed with black rocks. And, at the end of the “Street of the Dead”, the grey silhouette of the abbey.

Behind its windbattered walls, a resident has just been found murdered, his body mutilated in the strangest of ways. The police investigation is headed by Scottish inspector Grace Campbell. After a year of sidelining, she knows that her career is at stake.

When Grace arrives at the monastery under the driving rain, she pushes open the heavy front door and is met by the shifting gaze of the five monks who live there. All they can say about the victim is his name: Anton. They all know, on the other hand, that he had a secret study hidden away in the walls, a space strewn with scientific formulas…

What was Anton researching? Why has he been killed with such savagery? As she tries to recover her lost self-confidence, Grace does not yet realize that the solution to one of the most intriguing puzzles of mankind rests solely on her shoulders…

After the success of Cri, Complot and L’île du Diable, a new BREATHTAKING THRILLER by Nicolas Beuglet.

In The Last Message, Nicolas Beuglet introduces the mysterious, solitary figure of the young Scottish inspector, Grace Campbell. 

Publication : 16th September 2020
Number of pages :400 pages
Format :153x240 mm
Price :19.90€
ISBN :9782374482132